Australian Penny FAQs

Australian penny values depend on a number of factors, including how rare they are, their condition and overall historical significance. However, there are several Australian pennies that are considered to be valuable, such as the 1930 Penny, one of the rarest coins, with only a few known to exist.

Other pennies that are considered to be the most valuable Australian penny and are highly sought after by collectors are those from the years 1925, 1946 and 1952. 

The Australian penny was discontinued in 1964. The decision to cease production of the coin was due to the country's transition to decimal currency, which took place in 1966. The penny and other pre-decimal coins were replaced by the new decimal coins, including the one-cent coin in the new currency system.

Yes, to many coin collectors, the 1921 Australian penny is considered rare, as it has a low mintage.

Any Australian penny’s value depends on how rare the coin is and its current condition. On average, a 1946 Australian penny could be worth anything between $50 to upward of $2,000.

The value of a 1943 Australian penny can range from $20 to $250, depending on where they were minted and their appearance. This is because the 1943 Australian penny experienced mass production compared to other coins, as the country was in the middle of World War 2 during 1943, meaning the need for currency was higher than normal.