Secondary Products

1oz Gold Bar (Secondary)

  • SKU: 100193
  • 5g 10g 50g 50g

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The above prices may vary from our actual buyback prices due to our inventory position. All buybacks must be tested and authenticated in person before any quoted price is locked in and confirmed.

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Each bar is individually tested for Gold content and purity, ensuring you will receive only the highest quality Gold bar(s) possible. 

The Gold bars you receive will be of our choosing, limited to stock on hand and could be of minted or cast variety and may or may not match the above images. These bars can be current issues or vintage. 
Secondary market Gold bars are an efficient way of owning .9999 fine Gold, as they tend to have lower premiums than brand new Gold bars.
Purity: 99.99%
Series: Bars
Manufacturer: Secondary Products
Product Class: Gold

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This item does not attract GST

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